Monday, September 24, 2018

Little Old Men in Fur Suits!

Meiko: Age 12, no teeth, belonged to daughter.

Brackus AKA Snortus: Age 15, no teeth, emphysema, arthritis, belonged to middle son.
Abigail: Age 4, Obesity issues. Ours alone.
Recently, our household demographics changed drastically.  Our family increased by 3 little old men in fur suits.  These arrivals increased our canine membership to 8, down from the 9 we had in March, but still too many cranky dogs. 
Jaxson: Age 8, no teeth, bad pelvis, anger issues.  OURS alone.

Enzo: Age 8. Propensity to hump everything in site. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Jaxson on an adventure!

Gemma: Age 7, few teeth, obesity issues. Ours alone.
With this increase, also came the need to cater to the needs and idiosyncrasies of the each aging individual. For example, Snortus cannot go down stairs, but up stairs is just fine. Jaxson, runs off each day and Abigail eats anything leftover from their customized diets. 

If you notices, we did have 9 dogs in March, but in March of 2018, we also have a spring storm. Our oldest Great Dane, Cooper, slipped on the ice/snow mix and injured his back. Cooper was 12 years old, and the average Great Dane only lives to be about 8 years old. We took him to the vet the next morning and found he had suffered neurological damage; the final decisions were made to allow him to end his life in dignity and peace.  While we miss Cooper, it was the right choice.  Rest in Peace Old Man!